Sunday, November 18, 2012

My last post!

Well I head back to the states tomorrow after a beautiful week in Mexico. Here are some photos to capture my time there.

The people at the Sunset Grill named a dish after my grandpa :) 

Dad and Connie

Happy times on the beach!

An island made of plastic bottles.

Very large iguana on the southern most tip of the island

Here's some perspective :p

Grandpa and Nanny Jeneal

Southern Point

Tulum Ruins

Fresco Painting, it's a face!

Happy times at Tulum! Look at those clouds!

Astronomy tower

More awesome Tulum Mayan ruins. Did you know, Tulum translates to "stinking land". When the explorers found Tulum it was in the middle of the high heat season, making the surrounding mangroves especially "ripe". 

My iguana friend...

... no really, he was my friend! We shared an orange together on the beaches of Tulum. 

Ruins of Coba.

Ball court. A game played by ancient Mayans.

This is the heiroglyphic stone that says of the "world ending" on December 21st, 2012. It does not say the world will end, rather that a "cycle" will end. There was a calendar made for December 22nd for the new "cycle" to begin. Just want to set the facts straight. Nowhere does it say the world is going to end. 

120 steps to the top...

Doesn't look that steep from far away... then you get there.

Incredible view from the top... and quite scary trying to get down.

Standing on Mayan ruins. Freaking awesome!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Last random adventures in Costa Rica!

Here are some photos from my last couple of days :) Also a few photos I forgot to add earlier but don't need a post of their own!

This is Natsu. She's smelly.

Stephanie's Birthday.

Random field trip to a fish hatchery.

Random after school adventure to the Irazu Volcano.

So typical Costa Rica - look how close that power line is to my head!

Mural at my school.

Mara and I - last day of school - random sculpture.

Last day of school!

Look at the store behind me! Costa Ricans have a hard time saying my name, but apparently it's good enough to have a store named it!

I was very overwhelmed by this store...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I finished my portfolio!

I finished my TPA portfolio, it's submitted and now I am officially done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a week of 3 hours, everyday, typing away. But I finally accomplished it.

Also, Obama's win was on the front page of the newspaper this morning :p

Here are some photos from my Halloween carving with Mara :)

Avocado carving is really easy!

Mara with her creation!

The other side.

I chose an onion with a stem for my carving - it turned out great!